On September 6, 2024, noted Canadian attorney Brian Ludmer delivered a presentation titled ‘Structuring a Therapeutic Intervention’ to the Parental Alienation Study Group (PASG) 2024 Conference in Norway’s capital city of Oslo.
The Conference, whose title and theme was “Promoting the child’s best interest”, was sponsored by Norges Forskningsråd, Stiftelsen Fritt Ord Foreningen 2 Foreldre, World Parents Organization, Foreningen Far, MannsForum, and PASG International. It was attended by academics and professionals from around the world, including the host nation of Norway, as well as Germany, Australia, Sweden, Portugal, Finland, France, Ireland, Lebanon, Denmark, and the United States, among others,
Some of the topics Brian’s presentation covered include how systemic family therapy differs from individual therapy, legal issues pertaining to court-ordered family therapy, and the way different countries approach these issues.