This blog serves as a resource to learn more about Brian Ludmer, the legal articles he has authored and his insights on divorce and parental alienation related topics. As the attorney leading Ludmer Law, Brian Ludmer has become an authority in business law and family law. His work (see details below) includes a submission to the House of Commons on equal shared parenting, as well as a submission on Bill C-78. Brian Ludmer is also a recognized legal expert on parental alienation.
Inception of False Memories
Lawyer Brian Ludmer leads a discussion centered on a key issue in most family court cases: memory. Memory is actually thought, he explains. Quoting Leonardo DiCaprio from the movie Inception, he notes that ideas are “resilient and highly contagious.” Even an idea...
PRESS INFORMATION 10th Anniversary of the International Council on Shared Parenting (ICSP)
Take Advantage of our Very Special Offer! Full Conference Video Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Shared Parenting Held on May 5-7, 2023, in Athens, Greece NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE FOR FREE Upcoming 10th Anniversary Live-Online Conference on May 3, 2024...
Myths and Consequences of Parental Alienation
There are many myths surrounding abuse allegations made against alienated parents. In Canada, 90% of such claims were determined to be false or unsubstantiated, according to a 16-year study of 500 trial level cases. There are also surprising gender disparities.
Handling False Allegations in Family Court
Brian Ludmer shares a presentation on preparing for Family Court when false allegations have been made by a partner. He talks through the process of handling investigations by the Children’s Aid Society, reminding all parties to focus on the rehabilitation, rather...
Children’s Aid Society Defense: Saving Your Child, Your Reputation and Your Life
Lawyer Brian Ludmer specializes in high-conflict family dynamics that often lead to false allegations filed with the Children’s Aid Society. The agency has immense power, but its case workers lack the forensic training that would enable them to discover the truth,...
Countdown to the International Men and Families Conference: less than 1 month away
This exciting conference brings together scholars from several disciplines, service providers, community leaders, and more, to examine various perspectives on fatherhood, family dynamics, relationships, and men’s experiences.
Help Stop The Spread of Misinformation on Parental Alienation!
We live in a highly polarized society. In such an environment, some agenda driven groups often exploit horrific events creating public panic to further their cause.
Gender and child custody outcomes across 16 years of judicial decisions regarding abuse and parental alienation
There have been legislative efforts to control how child custody decisions are handled in family courts where allegations of abuse and of parental alienation (PA) are levied. The “findings” reported to support such legislation have been based on one unreviewed study...
Gender and Child Custody Outcomes Across 16 Years of Judicial Decisions Regarding Abuse and Parental Alienation
Highlights a mother found to have alienated her child(ren) was not more likely to get a decrease in parenting time, lose custody of her children, and lose her case than a father who was found to have alienated his children. 25 “abusive” alienated parents were mothers...
Proving a parent alienation case in 15 minutes
Parental alienation is detrimental as it undermines the child’s fundamental right to maintain a healthy and loving relationship with both parents, often resulting in long-term emotional and psychological consequences. Brian Ludmer provides strategic insight into this...
9- ISNAF Professionals Speak: Brian Ludmer
PA knowledgeable attorney Brian Ludmer will be presenting on the topic of “Memory Science, the Law and How to Refute False Allegations”. Brian has many years of experience with PA cases and has an abundance of knowledge and experience regarding this topic. He works as...
Annual 12-Hour Child Custody Evaluator / Domestic Violence Update Trainings
These courses can be used as part of the initial 40 hours required to become an Evaluator The California and Bay Area Psychological Associations are sponsoring two Webinar trainings for currently qualified and prospective child custody evaluators. An 8-hour training...
Annual 12-Hour Child Custody Evaluator / Domestic Violence Update Trainings
The California and Bay Area Psychological Associations are sponsoring two Webinar trainings for currently qualified and prospective child custody evaluators. An 8-hour training will be held on July 22nd and 23rd , 2023 and will focus on parenting plans, cognitive...
Florida Enacts a rebuttable presumption of shared parenting
The third most populous state, Florida, has recently adopted presumptive ESP (or equivalents). The passage of the ESP legislation in Florida is likely to have a ripple effect in the US and abroad. As well, Missouri has also passed ESP this year but the legislation has...
California and Bay Area Psychological Associations sponsor two webinar training for qualified and prospective child custody evaluators.
The California and Bay Area Psychological Associations are teaming up to sponsor two Webinar trainings for individuals who are already qualified or aspiring to be child custody evaluators. Mark your calendars for July 22nd and 23rd, 2023 because that’s when the first...