In this comprehensive presentation, Dr. Kathleen Reay and Dr. Lynn Steinberg address ten key areas where people who deny the validity of the very concept of parental alienation tend to spread dangerous misinformation and disinformation in order to further their own agendas.

Dr. Kathleen M. Reay is an internationally recognized expert in high-conflict divorce, parental alienation, parent-child estrangement, and child emotional abuse and related trauma. Over the course of her career, she has worked with more than 5,000 alienated children and their families in a variety of roles. Dr. Reay has been a clinical practitioner in private practice, a child custody evaluator, and an expert witness, as well as a coach and a consultant. Her 2011 book Toxic Divorce: A Workbook for Alienated Parents won several International Book Awards in 2012, including first place in the ‘Parenting/Family: Divorce’ category. 

As a practicing therapist for over 50 years, Dr. Lynn Steinberg has spent her career studying domestic violence and sexual abuse. She has provided professional evaluations on cases involving parental alienation, coercive control, and false allegations as an expert witness in courts across the country. Dr. Steinberg is known throughout her field as the first expert witness to ever present coercive control as a form of domestic violence, and therefore parental alienation.