Still more to do on issue of shared parenting: Ludmer

“There is slow progress in the actual decided cases in that direction, but it’s spotty, and it’s inconsistent, and it can depend on which province you are in, whether you are in an urban centre or a more rural forum where there’s less diversity amongst judges,” says...

The 2019 Canadian National Men’s Issues Conference

It is my pleasure to invite you to Canada’s biggest ever conference on the issues facing boys, men and fathers.Early Bird rates end in 24 hours! Don’t miss this unique and affordable opportunity to meet an incredible group of international speakers and...

Thank you Brian Ludmer

Hello everyone, Last night’s call with Brian Ludmer was one of the best calls we have had in the 7 years of our calls. The information he gave on so many topics was phenomenal. Many have emailed and posted online the helpfulness this call was for them in their...