Hello everyone,

Last night’s call with Brian Ludmer was one of the best calls we have had in the 7 years of our calls. The information he gave on so many topics was phenomenal. Many have emailed and posted online the helpfulness this call was for them in their situations and their cases. We want to thank Brian for all the work he put into this call and his dedication to the cause.

There is no replay now for this call as in all calls. It is important to make these calls a priority. They are done to help all of you and the information you get on these calls and the support given is awesome. The dates for these calls are posted on our website under upcoming events all the way through 2020. Some of you have to miss the calls by not following the deadlines which are necessary. I am sorry for that, but it can be avoided. Here are some things that can help.

1. Register early before the 5 PM EDT the day of the call which is the deadline.

2. Once you register and are given the new numbers for that month’s call, save the info in a place where you can have it readily available at the time of the call.

3. If you plan to skype the call, you must confirm on the skype message sent to you on the Friday before the Sunday call. Chester only skypes those who have confirmed.

4. Each caller may submit one question for the call. Deadline to submit your question is the Tuesday before the Sunday call. The question must be in relation to the subject of that month’s call or the question will not be answered. The question can only be 2-3 sentences total.

Please note these calls take many hours of preparation. If we all go by these guidelines, then the calls will be very successful. Thanks for your help!