This blog serves as a resource to learn more about Brian Ludmer, the legal articles he has authored and his insights on divorce and parental alienation related topics. As the attorney leading Ludmer Law, Brian Ludmer has become an authority in business law and family law. His work (see details below) includes a submission to the House of Commons on equal shared parenting, as well as a submission on Bill C-78. Brian Ludmer is also a recognized legal expert on parental alienation.

Attorney Brian Ludmer’s Presentation from the PASG 2024 Conference in Oslo, Norway: ‘Structuring a Therapeutic Intervention’

On September 6, 2024, noted Canadian attorney Brian Ludmer delivered a presentation titled ‘Structuring a Therapeutic Intervention’ to the Parental Alienation Study Group (PASG) 2024 Conference in Norway’s capital city of Oslo.

The Conference, whose title and theme was “Promoting the child’s best interest”, was sponsored by Norges Forskningsråd, Stiftelsen Fritt Ord Foreningen 2 Foreldre, World Parents Organization, Foreningen Far, MannsForum, and PASG International. It was attended by academics and professionals from around the world, including the host nation of Norway, as well as Germany, Australia, Sweden, Portugal, Finland, France, Ireland, Lebanon, Denmark, and the United States, among others,

Some of the topics Brian’s presentation covered include how systemic family therapy differs from individual therapy, legal issues pertaining to court-ordered family therapy, and the way different countries approach these issues.

Attorney Brian Ludmer’s Presentation on Systemic Family Therapy

In this, the eleventh webcast published by the International Support Network for Alienated Families (ISNAF), noted Canadian attorney Brian Ludmer explains the shortcomings of the traditional therapeutic model when it comes to addressing family disputes involving parties who don’t truly wish to pursue a lasting resolution. He then proceeds to deliver a comprehensive talk about how adopting the model of systemic family therapy intervention can still work in cases of parental alienation (PA).

Brian Ludmer is a Canadian attorney with deep knowledge of PA. Throughout the course of his 32-year career, he has specialized in high-conflict custody battles, denial of parenting time, and parental alienation. He is a key contributor to the Parental Alienation Study Group’s newsletter, where he serves as the Legal Column Editor and Writer. Brian Ludmer also co-authored the book The High Conflict Custody Battle with Dr. Amy Baker and Dr. Michael Bone in 2015 and is a member of several organizations focused on PA. He has been presenting on behalf of ISNAF for over ten years.

Brian’s legal practice, Ludmer Law, has extensive experience in both business law and family law, as well as cases where these two overlap, such as those involving hidden income, business valuation, and high-net-worth disputes.

In addition to running his successful law firm, Brian Ludmer is a prolific speaker who regularly presents at business law and family law conferences across North America. He is an advisory board member of the Parental Alienation Awareness Organization, the International Support Network for Alienated Families, and a co-founder of Lawyers for Shared Parenting. He was also involved in drafting Canada’s proposed equal shared parenting legislation, Bill C-560.

Attorney Brian Ludmer Makes a Special Guest Appearance on the Corus Radio podcast Toronto This Weekend

Join one of Toronto’s leading authorities on family law, attorney Brian Ludmer, as he sits in as a special guest on the Corus Radio podcast Toronto This Weekend, where he and program host Ben Mulroney discuss a host of matters pertaining to his areas of legal expertise. Among the topics covered in this episode are the legal risks associated with unsanctioned but well-meaning people opening their homes to abused children, the role of the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) in the health and welfare of Canada’s at-risk youth, and the tragic and unnecessary deaths of 354 children under government care between 2020 and 2023—amounting to approximately one death every three days!

Attorney Brian Ludmer Explains Memory Science and False Allegations

In this remote presentation organized by the advocacy group Families Divided, attorney Brian Ludmer, BComm, LLB, delves into great detail about the subjects of memory science and false allegations and how they pertain to matters of family law, such as divorce and custody disputes.

Looking Forward to the 2024 International Men & Families Conference

As the 2024 International Men and Families Conference fast approaches, I find myself filled with anticipation and excitement for this marquee autumn event. Scheduled to take place from September 26th to 28th at the Holiday Inn Downtown Centre located at 30 Carlton Street in Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Kathleen Reay and Dr. Lynn Steinberg Explain the Dangers of Denying the Concept of Parental Alienation

In this comprehensive presentation, Dr. Kathleen Reay and Dr. Lynn Steinberg address ten key areas where people who deny the validity of the very concept of parental alienation tend to spread dangerous misinformation and disinformation in order to further their own agendas.

One Mom’s Battle Blogger Tina Swithin’s True Agenda

The Anti-Alienation Project explores the truth behind Tina Swithin’s narrative, made famous by her blog One Mom’s Battle. Swithin has been granted an influential voice in the Family Court system, touting herself as a voice for distressed parents navigating custody battles. However, she deliberately enables the very real scourge of Parental Alienation. This tactic of vengeful division, so often sanctioned by Family Courts in their misguided attempts to protect a parent who claims abuse, is incredibly harmful to vulnerable children and the parents who love them.

International Shared Parenting Day Rises in Prominence and Importance

International Shared Parenting Day, celebrated April 26, hasn’t yet achieved the visibility of Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, but in the life of a child growing up in a post-divorce household the programs and principles it honors are vitally important. Lawyer Brian Ludmer is proud to be part of the shared parenting movement, which is bringing peace, healing and hope to millions of families worldwide.

Join a Powerful Online Premiere for International Parental Alienation Awareness Day

Raise the visibility of the serious issue of parental alienation (PA) by logging on to the April 25 premiere of What It Means to Be a Weapon, a discussion featuring survivors of PA in high-conflict divorces. A panel highlights the testimonies of six women who endured the destructive emotional trauma of PA as children. The event, sponsored by the Parental Alienation Study Group, can be accessed via YouTube and a Facebook “watch party” organized by the host, The Anti-Alienation Project.

International Parental Alienation Awareness Day Is April 25

Lawyer Brian Ludmer believes in shining a spotlight on aspects of high-conflict divorce that many try to ignore. Parental alienation (PA) is one of them. PA is a form of child abuse that seeks to sabotage a healthy parent-child relationship. International Parental Alienation Awareness Day is an opportunity to focus the attention of the public, judges, law enforcement, mental health care workers, child protection agencies and others on this destructive phenomenon. Mark your calendar for April 25, and learn more by following the link below.

PA Postscript: Renewing the Parent-Child Connection

Reunification Therapy focuses on rebuilding the trust between parent and child that was shattered by divorce, parental alienation (PA) or abuse. Often it is court-ordered. In an April 2024 presentation to the International Support Network for Alienated Families, lawyer Brian Ludmer discussed “Structuring Systemic Family Therapy” in cases involving reunification.

April 25 Awareness Days Shine Spotlight on Divorced Parents’ Roles, Challenges

Parents and the responsibilities are parenting don’t always receive the attention they deserve throughout the year. But in April, there’s a special focus on the challenges facing divorced parents with children. This year, it’s a laser focus, as both of these very important awareness days are observed on April 25: International Shared Parenting Day and International Parental Alienation Day. Below, lawyer Brian Ludmer discusses the specifics of each.

Inception of False Memories

Lawyer Brian Ludmer leads a discussion centered on a key issue in most family court cases: memory. Memory is actually thought, he explains. Quoting Leonardo DiCaprio from the movie Inception, he notes that ideas are “resilient and highly contagious.” Even an idea completely unmoored from reality can live on, and grow.

PRESS INFORMATION 10th Anniversary of the International Council on Shared Parenting (ICSP)

As the world’s leading organization devoted to the study of shared parenting and the best interests of children after parental separation, the International Council on Shared Parenting (ICSP) is celebrating its 10th anniversary after the foundation on 21-23 Febuary, 2014 in Bonn, Germany.

Myths and Consequences of Parental Alienation

There are many myths surrounding abuse allegations made against alienated parents. In Canada, 90% of such claims were determined to be false or unsubstantiated, according to a 16-year study of 500 trial level cases. There are also surprising gender disparities.

Children’s Aid Society Defense: Saving Your Child, Your Reputation and Your Life

Lawyer Brian Ludmer specializes in high-conflict family dynamics that often lead to false allegations filed with the Children’s Aid Society. The agency has immense power, but its case workers lack the forensic training that would enable them to discover the truth, establish your innocence and heal your family.

Handling False Allegations in Family Court

Brian Ludmer shares a presentation on preparing for Family Court when false allegations have been made by a partner. He talks through the process of handling investigations by the Children’s Aid Society, reminding all parties to focus on the rehabilitation, rather than the splintering, of the family unit.

Handling False Allegations in Family Court

Brian Ludmer shares a presentation on preparing for Family Court when false allegations have been made by a partner. He talks through the process of handling investigations by the Children’s Aid Society, reminding all parties to focus on the rehabilitation, rather than the splintering, of the family unit.

An Interview with Brian Ludmer

Brian Ludmer appears on Real Talk with Andy Martens and Mary Kovacs to discuss parental alienation issues. Brian stresses the importance of establishing a “rebuttable assumption of equal shared parenting” as a basis for a less adversarial family law system.

Proving a parent alienation case in 15 minutes

Jan 4, 2024 Parental alienation is detrimental as it undermines the child’s fundamental right to maintain a healthy and loving relationship with both parents, often resulting in long-term emotional and psychological consequences. Brian Ludmer provides strategic insight into this issue.

Gender and child custody outcomes across 16 years of judicial decisions regarding abuse and parental alienation

Oct 19, 2023 There have been legislative efforts to control how child custody decisions are handled in family courts where allegations of abuse and of parental alienation (PA) are levied. The “findings” reported to support such legislation have been based on one unreviewed study with identified methodological issues (Harman & Lorandos, 2021). We tested six pre-registered hypotheses to determine whether there is empirical support for the “research findings” used to support these laws. Five-hundred PA cases were sequentially selected from 4,889 Canadian trial court decisions. Independent coders who were blind to the hypotheses coded all cases for details about custody and allegations of abuse. We failed to find support for the “findings” that have been used to support legislative changes. For example, this study focused only upon cases where PA was determined to actually have occurred in at least one of the children in the family. It differs from Harman & Lorandos (2021) in that this study found that alienating mothers’ claims of abuse against known “abusive” alienated fathers were not being discredited more often than they were for alienating fathers. The negative impact of failing to base legislation on a comprehensive consideration of the full scope of scientific evidence available (e.g., Kayden’s Law in the reauthorized Violence Against Women’s Act, 2022) is discussed.

Help Stop The Spread of Misinformation on Parental Alienation!

Oct 19, 2023 We live in a highly polarized society. In such an environment, some agenda driven groups often exploit horrific events creating public panic to further their cause.

Gender and Child Custody Outcomes Across 16 Years of Judicial Decisions Regarding Abuse and Parental Alienation

Oct 18, 2023 | Co-Author: Brian Ludmer Trial courts in English-speaking jurisdictions have been dealing with parents alienating their children from their other parent for more than two hundred years (Lorandos, 2020a; Joshi, 2021).

9- ISNAF Professionals Speak: Brian Ludmer

Aug 20, 2023PA knowledgeable attorney Brian Ludmer will be presenting on the topic of “Memory Science, the Law and How to Refute False Allegations”. Brian has many years of experience with PA cases and has an abundance of knowledge and experience regarding this topic. He works as a strategist in the U.S. and is one of the authors of High Conflict Divorce.ISNAF is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations go toward education, support, advocacy and awareness. We thank you for your support and look forward to continuing to serve you..

Countdown to the International Men and Families Conference: less than 1 month away

27 November, 2023This exciting conference brings together scholars from several disciplines, service providers, community leaders, and more, to examine various perspectives on fatherhood, family dynamics, relationships, and men’s experiences.

Annual 12-Hour Child Custody Evaluator / Domestic Violence Update Trainings

21 July, 2023The California and Bay Area Psychological Associations are sponsoring two Webinar trainings for currently qualified and prospective child custody evaluators. An 8-hour training will be held on July 22nd and 23rd , 2023 and will focus on parenting plans, cognitive bias, single mothering and fathering, BFAs, intensive in-home interventions, and the legal overlay for experts and Court remedies. A 4-hour domestic violence training will be held on July 23rd, 2023 and will focus on the AFCC Guidelines for Examining Intimate Partner Violence, assessment of coercive control, legal update, Judicial discretion and views from the bench, and alternatives to traditional litigation.

California and Bay Area Psychological Associations sponsor two webinar training for qualified and prospective child custody evaluators.

5 July, 2023The California and Bay Area Psychological Associations are teaming up to sponsor two Webinar trainings for individuals who are already qualified or aspiring to be child custody evaluators.

Mark your calendars for July 22nd and 23rd, 2023 because that’s when the first training, a cool 8-hour session, will take place. We’ll be diving into some interesting topics like parenting plans, cognitive bias, single parenting (both moms and dads), BFAs (best for all), intensive in-home interventions, and the legal stuff experts need to know about and Court remedies.

Florida Enacts a rebuttable presumption of shared parenting

5 July, 2023The third most populous state, Florida, has recently adopted presumptive ESP (or equivalents). The passage of the ESP legislation in Florida is likely to have a ripple effect in the US and abroad. As well, Missouri has also passed ESP this year but the legislation has yet to be signed into law by the Governor.

Examining how requests for shared parenting are adjudicated, an in-depth review

25 May, 2023Brian Ludmer takes an in-depth review of how requests for shared parenting are adjudicated in the legal system, including a comprehensive look into the various sciences surrounding the subject.

Technology is Great, But It Will Never Replace a Hug

12 May, 2020To say that 21st century technology has disrupted the way we conduct business and interact with one another is an understatement. Especially during the current shelter-at-home orders, technology has made our lives easier, placing more of our daily activities to the online web and being able to communicate across long distances.

For Immediate Release: Exclusive screening of the documentary, “Erasing Family!” (FREE Event)
27 February, 2020


Order of Justice Shore
27 October, 2019

Key parts of this decision were delivered orally in court to the parties, including their sixteen-year old daughter, who was represented at the motion by counsel. As such, part of these reasons have been written in a way that I hope A.R. will understand.

Divorce Act ‘not meeting needs of children’: Ludmer –
23 September, 2019

In submissions to the House of Commons and Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Ludmer, principal of LudmerLaw, said the Act “is not working and not meeting the needs of the children it’s meant to protect.” “This debate can basically be summarized as the battle between myths and facts,” he said.

Still more to do on issue of shared parenting: Ludmer
22 August, 2019

“There is slow progress in the actual decided cases in that direction, but it’s spotty, and it’s inconsistent, and it can depend on which province you are in, whether you are in an urban centre or a more rural forum where there’s less diversity amongst judges,” says Ludmer, principal of LudmerLaw.

In a child’s best interest: the battle over equal custody parenting
17 August, 2019

In early 2014, Maurice Vellacott, a Conservative MP for Saskatoon, introduced a bill to amend Canada’s Divorce Act of 1985.

Today’s Show: Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, equal parenting, free speech on campus, and Alberta investor tax credit
17 August, 2019

On today’s show, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms applies to intervene in the appeal of a BC ruling ordering hormone treatment on a child without parent’s consent.

On Friday, August 2, Brian Ludmer was interviewed at about 12:20 p.m. Toronto time (10:20 Calgary time) by FM

770 CHQR Calgary, a well-known talk radio show. He was interviewed on equal parenting.

17 August, 2019

Thank you Brian Ludmer
12 July, 2019

Last night’s call with Brian Ludmer was one of the best calls we have had in the 7 years of our calls. The information he gave on so many topics was phenomenal. Many have emailed and posted online the helpfulness this call was for them in their situations and their cases. We want to thank Brian for all the work he put into this call and his dedication to the cause.

How to Manage Children’s Counsel, Child Protection Workers, Police, Parenting Coordinators, Therapists and Evaluators
04 July, 2019

On Sunday, July 7, 2019 at 8 PM EDT, Brian Ludmer, B. Com, LLB will be presenting these issues on our international seminar call.

Brian Ludmer Presentation to the Senate of Canada & The House Of Commons
02 July, 2019

Unofficial transcript of senate of Canada Legal And Constitutional Affairs Committee meeting June 6, 2019

June 6, 2019 Presentation to the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs

Consideration and safeguards that are noted in the UNCRC, both broadly and specifically, in the articles and in the comments.

PASG 2019, which will occur in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, during September 12-14, 2019.
01 July, 2019

Bill C-78, An Act to amend the Divorce Act
07 June, 2019

Brian Ludmer, Advisory Counsel (Canadian Association for Equality)

PASG Newsletter May 2019 – The Case Against Children’s Counsel – Part 2
28 May, 2019

A review of arguments against appointing an attorney for the child.By Brian Ludmer, B.Com., L.L.B., LudmerLaw, Toronto, Ontario, Canada;

PASG 2019 Conference
28 May, 2019

Brian Ludmer, B.Com., L.L.B., LudmerLaw speaking at the PASG 2019 Conference.

Film Screening – Erasing Family
28 May, 2019

Friday May 31st, 2019

Third International Conference of the Parental Alienation Study Group
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA — September 12-14, 2019

PASG2019 will take place at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, which is adjacent to the Philadelphia International Airport.

We have a Facebook page for our upcoming symposium
13 May, 2019

Just wanted to send a heads up to let everyone know we now have a facebook page for our upcoming Parental/Grandparent Alienation and Equal Shared Parenting Symposium we will be having in Frankfort, Kentucky on Oct 4th and Oct 5th. Please share with others too you think may be interested. I thought it would be a great place to chat together, ask questions or keep up through facebook. Getting really excited about our events!!!

The 2019 Canadian National Men’s Issues Conference
University of Toronto | August 2-3

It is my pleasure to invite you to Canada’s biggest ever conference on the issues facing boys, men and fathers.
Early Bird rates end in 24 hours! Don’t miss this unique and affordable opportunity to meet an incredible group of international speakers and guests.

CTV news video
25 April, 2019

Parental alienation is a form of family violence and child abuse that occurs when one parent turns the couple’s child against the other parent, typically caused by separation or divorce.

With so many intense feelings to cope with, one parent may consciously or unconsciously encourage the children to unjustly reject the other parent. It can have negative and long lasting effects on both children and parents.

In the coming months, Canadian psychologist Barbara Fidler and law professor Nick Bala will produce a guidebook for lawyers, judges and doctors on parental alienation.

Bill C78 And Parental Alienation Debate – Canadian Association For Equality
29 March, 2019

Presentation to Justice Committee, House of Commons – Brian Ludmer
11 March, 2019

Kentucky Conference to Explore Issues of Family Alienation and Shared Child Custody
21 February, 2019
Frankfurt, KY (Feb. 20, 2019) – A conference coming to Kentucky in October will bring alienated parents, grandparents and experts in the field together for presentations and discussions on the growing issue of parental and family alienation. The Parental / Grandparent Alienation and Equal Shared Parenting Symposium, hosted by Family Access – Fighting for Children’s Rights, will be held Saturday, Oct. 5th, 2019 at the Capital Plaza Hotel in Frankfort, Kentucky. An opportunity to meet the experts who will be speaking during the event will take place the evening before, Oct. 4th, at a buffet dinner.

PASG Newsletter January 2019: Legal Update – The Case Against Children’s Counsel – Part 1
16 February, 2019
In parental alienation, appointing an attorney for the child is fraught with danger.
By Brian Ludmer, B.Com., L.L.B., LudmerLaw, Toronto, Ontario, Canada;

Equal Parenting Panel + New Centre Grand Opening!
14 February, 2019
Should Canada Adopt an Equal Parenting Presumption? Join us for a timely panel featuring: Federal Deputy Justice Critic Michael Cooper, Lawyers for Shared Parenting Co-Founder Brian Ludmer & Divorced Dad Mike Glover.

MPs urged to enact ‘equal shared parenting’ in Bill C-78 but organized family law bar tells Ottawa to stay the course – The Lawyer’s Daily
12 December, 2018
Dozens of family law practitioners, academics and legal organizations are advising the Commons Justice Committee on how to improve the Liberal government’s proposed divorce overhaul (Bill C-78), but there is sharp disagreement on some points, especially about the wisdom of Ottawa’s choice not to create the “equal shared parenting” presumption sought for decades by advocates for fathers’ rights.

Parental Alienating Behaviors: An Unacknowledged Form of Family Violence
12 December, 2018
Despite affecting millions of families around the world, parental alienation has been largely unacknowledged or denied by legal and health professionals as a form of family violence. This complex form of aggression entails a parental figure engaging in the long-term use of a variety of aggressive behaviors to harm the relationship between their child and another parental figure, and/or to hurt the other parental figure directly because of their relationship with their child.

12 December, 2018
In terms of what the Committee did with the Maximum Contact Principle, they did not accept the Canadian Bar Association’s proposal to gut it and make it into an irrelevant provision.

Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights on Bill C-78 by the Canadian Association for Equality and Brian Ludmer, B.Comm, LLB. Myths and Facts Concerning a Rebuttable Presumption of Equal Shared Parenting
30 November, 2018
Introducing a rebuttable presumption of equal shared parenting would reform the current dysfunctional and arbitrary litigation-based system which, despite it stated goals, in fact fails to advance the long-term best interests of the affected children and in fact exposes them to conflict, uncertainty and parental pressure.

PASG Newsletter: Parental Alienation International November 2018
30 November, 2018
Structured Intervention Trumps Therapy in Child Contact Refusal Cases
-By Brian Ludmer, B.Com., L.L.B., LudmerLaw

29 November, 2018
Brian Ludmer will be the chairperson at the 2019 annual conference of the PASG in Toronto.

PASG September 2018 Newsletter
28 November, 2018
The Wishing Tree. Targeted parents who participated in the Stockholm PASG Conference or the London EAPAP Conference honored their alienated children with a leaf named for each child, August 2018. See page 12.

Are You a Victim of Parental Alienation? Want Help? Important Handbook For Parents Released by ISNAF
22 October, 2018
Submitted by Dr. Ernest Salem, Member at Large ISNAF Board
I feel very privileged to recommend and be part of this must have Handbook for parents involved in high conflict divorce and custody cases dealing with Parental Alienation (PA). Catherine MacWillie, CEO, Custody Calculations, Calendars & Orders.

How can and should Professionals accurately distinguish between alienation and estrangement? – PASG International Conference- Stockholm, Sweden – Friday, August 24, 2018
30 September, 2018
• Child Criterion 1 (CC1)
• Child Criterion 2 (CC2)

Brian Ludmer, B.Comm., LLB; proud Ally of Simply Parent – 2018
30 September, 2018
As an Ally, you support Simply Parent’s singular mission to reach the tipping point beyond which parental alienation is recognized and rejected by society. This ambitious work requires good-will and a compelling voice that can no longer be ignored because it is unified and clear across disparate organizations and parallel movements.

Managaing Ertthical issues In A Parental Alienation Case – Brian Ludmer, B.Comm., LLB; Presentation to Simply Parent Conference; June 30, 2018
19 September, 2018
Why are ethical issues so prevalent in PA cases
The Role of Counsel for
Therapists and Therapy – How to Structure
Custody Assessors/Evaluators
Children’s Aid Societies/Child Protection Authorities
Aligned Non-parties – Tribal Warfare
Schools and Activity Providers

Structured Interventions in a Parental Alienation Case- – Brian Ludmer, B.Comm., LLB; Presentation London, U.K. to 1st Annual EAPAP Conference; August 30 – 31, 2018
01 September, 2018
Brian Ludmer reminds the EAPAP 2018 conference that standard therapeutic interventions are contraindicated in Parental Alienation cases.

Equal shared parenting bill defeated, but proponent vows to keep pushing for Divorce Act changes – Law Times
23 August, 2018

Brian Ludmer will be speaking at the EAPAP London Conference on Parental Alienation
23 August, 2018
The European Association of Parental Alienation Practitioners opens its conference booking today. Headline speakers include leading researcher and writer Amy J.L.Baker PhD. Brian Ludmer from Ludmer Law in Canada, Professor Gordana Buljan Flander from the Child Protection Centre in Zagreb, Barristers from 1KBW UK, Linda Gottlieb and Steve Miller from the USA, along with Psychologists and Psychotherapists who are pioneering in this work in Europe.

Divorce Act revamp ignores value of equal shared parenting: Ludmer
23 August, 2018
Proposed changes to Canada’s Divorce Act fall short by failing to make equal shared parenting (ESP) the starting position in custody disputes, Toronto family lawyer Brian Ludmer tells

Contempt Law in a Nutshell – Court Procedures for Breaches of Court Orders: Part 2 By Brian Ludmer, B.Com., L.L.B., LudmerLaw, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (PASG LEGAL COLUM May 2018)
23 August, 2018
PARENTS FACING A CONTEMPT PROCEEDING would be well advised to have sufficient third-party evidence of the exercise of their parental authority and why it had, to that point in time, been ineffective.

Legal Update: Contempt Law in a Nutshell – Court Procedures for Breaches of Court Orders: Part 1 By Brian Ludmer, B.Com., L.L.B., LudmerLaw, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (PASG LEGAL COLUM March 2018)
23 August, 2018
A COMMON EXPERIENCE FOR PARENTS, and for professionals assisting them, is that of the alienating parent not complying with Court Orders for parenting time, joint decision-making and other matters. There are practical and therapeutic/intervention responses that should be part of a thorough strategic plan. However, it is also typical and advisable to seek the assistance of the Court.

Legal Update: Introducing a New Legal Column, By Brian Ludmer, B.Com., L.L.B., LudmerLaw, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (PASG LEGAL COLUM January 2018)
23 August, 2018
WELCOME TO LEGAL UPDATE. I am pleased to accept the mandate of Ed-itor of this column, which will appear in each issue of PAI. As discussed at the PASG Conference in Washington, DC, there is a broad-based request from PASG members for sharing information, thoughts, strategies, and advocacy on the legal process and substantive legal issues relating to paren-tal alienation as a part of a multidisciplinary response to the challenges facing families having difficulty restructuring in a healthy manner

Ignoring access orders makes bad situations worse, by Brian Ludmer
23 August, 2018
Responding to difficulties in enforcing access to children continues to be a problem in search of a solution in family court. Despite settled jurispru- dence and ample statutory rem- edies, parents denied their time with their children continue to struggle for practical, cost-effective and timely solutions.

To the Strategic Role of the CFO in M&A Transactions, by Brian Ludmer
24 July, 2018
Here’s a list of the “Top 25” ways to limit exposure on representations and warranties when you are selling a business. It will be rare to win all of these battles in a single deal (in fact they represent a compilation of “best practices” from many deals).

Refuting false allegations of abuse a specialized job
24 July, 2018
It is an unfortunately common occurrence in contested matrimonial cases that one or both parties make serious accusations of physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse against the other. Even worse are cases where such allegations involve the children.

Ignoring access orders makes bad situations worse, by Brian Ludmer
24 July, 2018
Responding to difficulties in enforcing access to children continues to be a problem in search of a solution in family court. Despite settled jurispru dence and ample statutory rem- edies, parents denied their time with their children continue to struggle for practical, cost effective and timely solutions.

Time for Canada to embrace equal shared parenting, by Brian Ludmer
24 July, 2018
From the 1998 Senate special joint committee recommendations to the present, numerous reports and statements concerning the family law system have recognized the need for fundamental reform as it relates to contested custody cases.

Children hurt in divorce process, by Brian Ludmer
24 July, 2018
In litigation where custody or access to children is contested, courts are directed to canvass the views of the affected children, at least to the extent that the views can be ascertained. There are various means by which the voice of the child can be solicited. Each way has its relative advantages and disadvantages, but there are good reasons to proceed cautiously in this regard.

Ethical Issues Arising in A Parental Alienation Case – PASG LEGAL COLUM JULY 2018
24 July, 2018
Targeted parents, and those advising them, need to be cognizant of the high base rate/frequent occurrence of ethical issues relating to various participants in the case in order to ensure a successful outcome.

Contempt Law in a Nutshell – Court Procedures for Breaches of Court Orders
24 July, 2018
A common experience for parents, and for professionals assisting them, is that of the alienating parent not complying with Court Orders for parenting time, joint decision-making and other matters. There are practical and therapeutic/intervention responses that should be part of a thorough strategic plan. However, it is also typical and advisable to seek the assistance of the Court.

Refuting false allegations of abuse a specialized job
24 July, 2018
It is an unfortunately common occurrence in contested matrimonial cases that one or both parties make serious accusations of physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse against the other. Even worse are cases where such allegations involve the children.

While statistics vary and the rigour of some of the studies is questionable, it is at least experientially well understood that false allegations of abuse are pervasive in contested matrimonial cases. In cases of less “tangible” allegations, perhaps the most abused word is the word “abuse” itself.

Speaker’s Corner: Children hurt in divorce process
24 July, 2018
In litigation where custody or access to children is contested, courts are directed to canvass the views of the affected children, at least to the extent that the views can be ascertained. There are various means by which the voice of the child can be solicited. Each way has its relative advantages and disadvantages, but there are good reasons to proceed cautiously in this regard.

The process of asking children their opinions creates the risk of triangulating the child further into an inter-parental dispute, and it can potentially create or contribute to an alliance of one parent and child against the other parent or against other children.

Many studies and publications, including a study of 1,000 families published by the Family Law Section of the American Bar Association, suggest that parental lobbying and manipulation of children in custody disputes is a very common occurrence.

Speaker’s Corner: Time for Canada to embrace equal shared parenting
24 July, 2018
From the 1998 Senate special joint committee recommendations to the present, numerous reports and statements concerning the family law system have recognized the need for fundamental reform as it relates to contested custody cases.

Bill C-560, a private member’s bill proposed by Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott, is a reasonable and balanced proposal to address the current broken system. Parliament will debate bill C-560 on May 7, followed by a second reading vote.

The principal change to the Divorce Act, with the goal of reducing incentives for bitter and expensive litigation over children, is the proposal for a rebuttable presumption that equal shared parenting would support the best interests of the children unless a party can establish that some other parenting plan would substantially enhance those interests.

Brian Ludmer at “University of Toronto’s Men’s Issues Awareness Nov 29 2015” (16 minutes)
06 June, 2018
An expert panel shares information about Parental Alienation followed by a Q and A session. Hosted by the U of T Men’s Issues Awareness Society.

Brian Ludmer of Ludmer Law and the spokesperson for the Canadian Association of Equality spoke on AM 800 CKLW Radio on his views on the Federals revamping the Divorce Actt
24 May, 2018

Liberals’ proposed overhaul of Divorce Act aimed at putting interests of children first
24 May, 2018
Changes include new terminology and strengthened parental relocation guidelines

The Liberal government is overhauling Canada’s federal divorce laws to direct the justice system to put the best interests of children at the centre of decision-making.

Bill C-78, which was tabled Tuesday in the House of Commons, also takes steps to address family violence and child poverty. It’s the first major revamp of divorce law in more than 20 years.

Proposed changes to family-law legislation aims to help families settle disputes outside court
24 May, 2018
Brian Ludmer of Ludmer Law joined The Exchange with Matt Gurney to chat about the proposed changes to family-law legislation.

Brian Ludmer at the first international conference of the PASG
24 May, 2018
On October 23, 2017, Brian Ludmer spoke at the first international conference of the Parental Alienation Study Group (PASG) on “Judicial Interviews and the Reliability of the Voice of the Child”